Student Outcomes & Milestones
Success Advisor
By the end of your 1st year, you should be able to:
- Identify and utilize appropriate campus resources for involvement and student success.
- Begin exploring and clarifying personal, educational, and career goals culminating in declaring academic majors, minors, and concentrations for study.
- Successfully navigate the course selection and registration process each semester.
- Understand the Goucher Commons Curriculum (GCC) and ultimately coordinate a plan for
completion of all degree requirements.
- Adopt a growth mindset that focuses on resiliency, goal-setting, and self-empowerment.
- Demonstrate mastery of study skills strategies and time management skills that are actively employed both
in and outside the classroom.
Faculty Advisor
By the end of your 2nd year, you should be able to:
- Declare a major
- Map your remaining courses at Goucher (including when to go abroad and complete internship
requirements if applicable)
- By the beginning of your sophomore year, you should have:
- Discussed your study abroad options and which program(s) they would be most interested
- By the end of your junior year, you should have:
- Discussed after college plans (career options, graduate school…)
- Senior thesis (if applicable)
- By the beginning of your senior year, you should have:
- Participation in Symposium
- Capstone options (if applicable)
Career Advisor
By the end of your first year, you should have:
- Two interactions with the CEO (classroom presentations in FYS and 181)
- A college-level resume
- Joined a career community
Global Education Advisor
By the end of your first year, you should:
- Be aware of the study abroad requirement and the different ways to fulfill it (short-term,
semester, or internship).
- By the end of your sophomore year, you should:
- Have identified the program you want and the timing of your experience and attended Study
Abroad 101.
- By the time you return from study abroad, you should:
- Have engaged in a reflective activity that helps you process the experience from both
a personal and career preparation standpoint.
Athletic Coach
By the end of your 1st year, you should:
- Have an openly communicative and trusting relationship with your coach.
- Have a general understanding of Athletics and team expectations for college life.
- Understand that your coach is a close resource who will help with any questions, but
may need to refer you to other campus resources/offices for assistance.